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Variant example use cases

Variant standard is quite flexible and allows for a variety of potential projects and use cases. This page will cover some of them and explain how they work

Video game token factory

The simplest example is providing the same metadata to all the tokens minted from the factory. Such example could be tokens of a specific game, where each token is identical. This factory utilizes default_token_uri to avoid duplication inside each minted token

token.uri (per token)null
token.hash (per token)null

Video game token factory with a rare unique copy

Similar to the previous example we have a simple factory for game tokens where all of them are identical except for a few unique cases. For those unique tokens (here it is token #1000000) we provide a specific URI and hash so it does not fallback to default

token.uri (#1000000)
token.hash (#1000000)4e3304e9af1ec7aaa05206b
token.uri (rest of Uniqs)null
token.hash (rest of Uniqs)null

Simple profile picture project

Common situation for profile picture projects is that there is a base URI with serial number utilized as an identifier to find the metadata for a specific token. By using a dynamic value inside default_token_uri we can avoid duplication of base URI inside each of the minted tokens and can still provide a hash to each of the tokens for the purposes of data provenance.

token.uri (#1)null
token.hash (#1)bea34b0a7cdef454f4
token.uri (#1000)null
token.hash (#1000)def454f46557a96ff84

Obfuscated profile picture project

In some cases it may be desired for a profile picture project to not be able to probe metadata beforehand by substituting different serial numbers. Since serial numbers are sequential it is easy to go through all of them. In this example we use token hash which is not known beforehand as a part of dynamic deafult_token_uri. Hash of the token will only be known after the token is minted.

token.uri (#1)null
token.hash (#1)bea34b0a7cdef454f4
token.uri (#1000)null
token.hash (#1000)def454f46557a96ff84

IPFS-based profile picture project

Alternative storage solutions may have a different way of naming the metadata URIs. This example demonstrates how in case of IPFS you could provide both a URI and a hash for all the tokens you mint as each metadata file on IPFS will have a unique URI.

token.uri (#1)
token.hash (#1)bea34b0a7cdef454f4
token.uri (#1000)
token.hash (#1000)def454f46557a96ff84