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Docker Quickstart

The goal of this document is to get a development environment setup in as little time as possible.


Make sure docker engine is up on your system:

docker --version

Docker version 20.10.21, build baeda1f

Obtaining the Docker Image

Pull the docker image down from

docker pull

The above image tag may be out of date. Visit our official repository to get the latest image tag.

Starting / Stopping Image

Open your terminal (on Windows use Git Bash) and use the following command to create development tools container

docker run -dit --name ultra -p 8888:8888 -p 9876:9876 -v ~/ultra_workdir:/opt/ultra_workdir --name ultra


The above command will utilize ports 8888 and 9876. If those ports are occupied the docker will fail to create the container. You will have an option to change which ports will be used on your host machine later.

After you created the container you realistically won't need to create it again. Existing container will be accessible under the name of ultra.

To stop the container without destroying it you can use the following command

docker stop ultra

Accessing the Image

After you created the container you will be able to attach to it using the following command. It will also start the container if it is currently stopped (for Windows keep in mind to use Git Bash still).

docker start ultra && docker attach ultra

Accessing Docker Volume

The docker container has a shared directory located somewhere in your operating system.

  • Windows: C:\\Users\\Username\\ultra_workdir

  • Linux: ~/ultra_workdir

  • Mac OS: ~/ultra_workdir

  • Docker Container: /opt/ultra_workdir

Creating a Smart Contract

Create a directory in the ultra_workdir directory called contracts with a file inside called hello.cpp.

  • You can do it either on your host machine (Windows/Linux) or inside the docker image using your editor of choice (nano is preinstalled, other editors require manual installation)
  • You also have an option to use VSCode Environment
#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>

using namespace eosio;

class [[eosio::contract]] hello : public eosio::contract {
      using contract::contract;

      void world( eosio::name name ) {
        print("Hi, ", name);

Compiling a Smart Contract

Inside of the docker image (using the terminal that is attached to the ultra container) navigate into the contracts directory, and run the following command.

mkdir -p /opt/ultra_workdir/contracts && cd /opt/ultra_workdir/contracts
cdt-cpp -abigen -o hello.wasm hello.cpp

Writing your first test

Setup directory Structure

This directory structure should be reflected inside of the docker image.

      |- hello.wasm
      |- hello.abi
      |- hello.cpp
      |- hello.ultra_test.js

Write Tests

Test files are written in JavaScript and must have ultra_test.js suffix (e.g. hello.ultra_test.js).

Now try adding the following code snippet to hello.ultra_test.js. You should place the file ultra_workdir/tests directory like the file tree in the section above suggests

module.exports = class test {
    constructor() {}

    // Deploys ultra system contracts to the nodeos instance
    requiresSystemContracts() {
        return true;

    // What account to create, and what contract to deploy on it
    importContracts() {
        return [{ account: 'smrtcntract1', path: '../contracts', contract: 'hello' }];

    // Created after importing contracts
    requiredAccounts() {
        return ['account1', 'account2', 'account3', 'account4'];

    tests({ assert, endpoint, cleos, rpc, api, ecc, keychain }) {
        assert(true, "This will never trigger because it is true.");

        // Should always return an object of async tests
        return {
            'should execute transaction': async () => {
                const result = await api.transact({
                    actions: [{
                        account: 'smrtcntract1', // The smart contract account
                        name: 'world', // Name of the action
                        authorization: [
                            // actor -> The account performing the action
                            // permission -> Permission required for that account. Usually 'active'.
                            { actor: 'account1', permission: 'active' },
                        // This is an exact match of the data to send to the 'action'.
                        // In the example below the 'hello' action will take a name parameter.
                        data: {
                            name: 'account1',
                },{ blocksBehind: 3, expireSeconds: 3600 });

Running Tests

Inside of the docker image run the following commands.

cd /opt/ultra_workdir

If you did everything properly you should see the test line stating All Tests Passed


If the test run fails or gets stuck you can kill it using the ^C (Ctrl + C) termination command.