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Obtaining Tokens Locally

Tokens can be obtained in one of two ways in the local environment.

The first way involves obtaining tokens in a unit test, check the ultratest documentation for more information.

The second way involves an ultratest no test instance and cleos.

Before the Transfer Action

You should be inside of the docker image.

You should have ultratest running in a no-tests instance.

Make sure you have created an account locally before running the following command.

The Transfer Action

The chain should be ran locally through ultratest.

You have all of the account keys for your own chain inside of cleos.

You can now perform a simple transfer action through the eosio.token contract.

cleos push action eosio.token transfer '["ultra.eosio", "someaccount", "5.00000000 UOS", ""]' -p ultra.eosio

_The above command transfers 5 UOS from ultra.eosio to someaccount.