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fhglobalshr ​

Ultra configures the protocol fee for first hand token purchases

Technical Behavior ​

The required authorization is the ultra.nft.ft account

share must not exceed the value specified in the saleshrlmcfg table under a scope of 0 (if it exists) or 1000 (10%) otherwise

receiver must be an existing account if a value is provided. If no value is provided the global share receiver account will remain unchanged

Action Parameters ​

Property NameC++ TypeJavascript TypeExample

CLI - cleos ​

cleos push action eosio.nft.ft fhglobalshr '[200, "ultra.prtcl"]' -p ultra.nft.ft

JavaScript - eosjs ​

await api.transact(
        actions: [
                account: 'eosio.nft.ft',
                name: 'fhglobalshr',
                authorization: [{ actor: 'ultra.nft.ft', permission: 'active' }],
                data: {
                    share: 200,
                    receiver: "ultra.prtcl"
        blocksBehind: 3,
        expireSeconds: 30,