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init - initialize oracle contract ​

Initializes tables and values for oracle contract to be able to start normal operation.

Technical Behavior ​

Will initialize oraclestate singleton and feeddata, finalrates and finalaverage tables.

Values for interval, cache_window and ultra_comprehensive_rate_weight provided will be ignored but must be specified in the interface.

final_price_table_size must have 4 elements, each corresponding to a different time unit (seconds, minutes, hours and days).

Action Parameters ​

intervaluint8_tWill be forced to be 1. This means that rates are expected to be pushed to the oracle once every 1 second
cache_windowuint32_tWill be forced to be 60. This means that for each exchange 60 seconds of rates will be stored in a rotating bucket
final_price_table_sizestd::vector<eosio::asset>Cache size for individual oracle time unit levels (first element is for seconds level, second for minutes, third for hours, fourth for days). Capped at 365 per level
final_moving_average_settingsstd::vector<eosio::asset>List of moving averages to register by default. Refer to addma for details
ultra_comprehensive_rate_weightuint32_tUnused, but must be provided

Required Permissions:

CLI - cleos ​

cleos push action init '[1, 60, [240, 360, 240, 365], ["1.0000 MINUTES","60.0000 MINUTES","24.0000 HOURS","7.0000 DAYS","14.0000 DAYS"], 1]' -p

JavaScript - eosjs ​

(async () => {
    const result = await api.transact(
            actions: [
                    account: '',
                    name: 'init',
                    authorization: [
                            actor: '',
                            permission: 'active',
                    data: {
                        interval: 1,
                        cache_window: 60,
                        final_price_table_size: [240, 360, 240, 365],
                        final_moving_average_settings: ['1.0000 MINUTES','60.0000 MINUTES','24.0000 HOURS','7.0000 DAYS','14.0000 DAYS'],
                        ultra_comprehensive_rate_weight: 0
            blocksBehind: 3,
            expireSeconds: 30,