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purchase.a ​

This action is used to purchase uniqs directly from a token factory.

Technical Behavior ​

  1. User provides information about the Uniq they wish to purchase

  2. Verify that the Uniq has a purchase requirement

  3. Obtain the price of the Uniq and convert to UOS

  4. Verify that if the purchase requirement requires additional uniqs that the uniqs passed are relevant to the purchase requirement

  5. Additional transfer, and burning actions may be used on individual uniqs during the verification process. They are kept if the transaction fails

  6. Distribute shares based on purchase requirements, done through inline calls

  7. Send protocol fee. Amount and account are configured under global.share table scope 0, done through inline calls

  8. Send remainder of shares to the factory manager, done through inline calls

  9. Issue the token to the user. Note: minting a Uniq requires additional UOS paid by the factory manager. Refer for details to issue.b - issue tokens with token factory

  10. Increment the number of tokens purchased for the given user

  11. If a purchase option has been configured with group_restriction via the setprchsreq.a action, the purchase.a action will take these restrictions into account before allowing the purchase to proceed.

Note: For details on how to configure group_restriction through setprchsreq.a, please refer to setprchsreq.a.

If promoter_id is set, the account will be added to resale shares list and will have the payment distributed accordingly. If no promoter is specified then default promoter will be used and is specified by Ultra in saleshrlmcfg table under a scope of 0 in default_promoter.

Supplying Uniqs for Purchases ​

In some cases a token factory may require certain uniqs to exist in the user inventory table to enable the user to purchase a uniq.

Think of it like a pre-requisite or an entry ticket to purchasing other uniqs.

When a uniq is being purchased it goes through our verify_user_uniqs function that looks into the buyer's inventory and verifies that the uniq factories required uniqs matches the user supplied uniqs. The function checks that the user supplied uniqs from the user matches the factory required uniqs. The function checks that the user is passing uniqs that have the correct token factory id, and checks that the user is not passing irrelavant uniqs.

It also ensures that the strategy that is being passed for each uniq matches the strategy used by the factory for the specific token factory id.

Strategy meaning: 0 just check ownership of the provided nft, 1 burn the uniq and 2 transferring the uniq out of the user inventory.

All of these strategies, and individual uniqs can be chosen by the user to ensure they are removing the uniq they want to remove, rather than risking a more 'rare' uniq that they want to keep.

Burning Uniqs on Purchase ​

During the purchase if a uniq has a strategy of 1 it will automatically perform an inline call to the burn action and pass over any tokens that need to be burned.

Internally we are constructing a vector of which token_ids to be burned.

Transferring Uniqs on Purchase ​

During the purchase if a uniq has a strategy of 2 it will automatically perform an inline call to the transfer action and pass over any tokens that need to be transferred.

The transferred uniqs will automatically be moved to the transfer_tokens_receiver_account that was setup during the purchase requirements setup.

Internally we are constructing a vector of which token_ids to be transferred.

Action Parameters ​

Action Interface

Property NameC++ TypeJavaScript TypeDescription
token_factory_iduint64_tnumberID of a token factory to purchase from
indexuint64_tnumberIndex of purchase option to use
max_priceassetstringMaximum amount of UOS you allow to be withdrawn from your account. If price is set in USD this will prevent transaction from overcharging you in case USD price goes down
buyereosio::namestringAccount that will pay UOS and/or Uniqs for this purchase
receivereosio::assetstringAccount that will receive the Uniq from this purchase
promoter_idstd::optional<eosio::name>string / nullOptional promoter of the purchase transaction. If no promoter is provided then the default promoter specified in saleshrlmcfg (scope 0) will be used if present
user_uniqsstd::optional<provided_user_uniqs>Array / nullList of uniqs the buyer is willing to provide for this purchase option to either be taken from him or to just verify their presence. Refer to provided_user_uniqs breakdown below
memostd::stringstringA short operation description

user_uniqs is a vector of provided_user_uniqs, which has the following structure

Property NameC++ TypeJavaScript TypeDescription
token_iduint64_tnumberID of the Uniq owned by the buyer
strategyuint8_tnumberWhat the buyer allows to happen to this token. Refer to fctrprchs.a for allowed values and usage

CLI - cleos ​

cleos push action eosio.nft.ft purchase.a '[
    "token_factory_id": 100,
    "index": 1,
    "max_price": "100.00000000 UOS",
    "buyer": "alice",
    "receiver": "token_receiver_account",
    "promoter_id": "",
    "user_uniqs": {
      "tokens": [{
        "token_id": 77,
        "strategy": 2
    "memo": ""
]' -p alice

JavaScript - eosjs ​

await api.transact({
    actions: [{
      account: 'eosio.nft.ft',
      name: 'purchase.a',
      authorization: [{ actor: 'alice', permission: 'active' }],
      data: {
        purchase: {
          token_factory_id: 100,
          index: 1,
          max_price: "100.00000000 UOS",
          buyer: "alice",
          receiver: "token_receiver_account",
          promoter_id: "",
          user_uniqs: {
            tokens: [{
              token_id: 77,
              strategy: 2
          memo: ""
  }, {
    blocksBehind: 3,
    expireSeconds: 30,