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All Tutorials

General tutorials to help feed your curiosity.


Tutorial NameSummaryLink
Tutorial - Generate a key and create a developer Testnet accountCreate your personal Ultra Testnet account to interact with the blockchainLink
Tutorial - Setup the Ultra WalletLearn how to use our Ultra Wallet extension and set it upLink
Tutorial - Log in to the Ultra ToolkitA brief introduction to the toolkit along with learning how log in to the toolkit using Ultra WalletLink
Tutorial - Obtaining UOS and purchasing RAMObtaining UOS tokens on Testnet and purchasing RAMLink
Tutorial - Token transfer and Uniq purchase transactionsDemonstrating token transfer and Uniq purchasingLink


Guide NameSummaryLink
How to create Ultra Pro Wallet using Ultra Wallet ExtensionCreate an Ultra Pro Wallet for developers on Mainnet using Ultra Wallet ExtensionLink
How to create Ultra Pro Wallet using Ultra ToolkitCreate an Ultra Pro Wallet for developers on Mainnet using Ultra ToolkitLink
How to get TokensHow to get tokens for interactions on the testnetLink
How to read the Block ExplorerLearn how to use our block explorer for reading dataLink
How to get RAMUse this tutorial to get RAM on the Testnet for your accountLink
How to make a REST RequestLearn how to use various Ultra API endpoints to consume data for your applicationLink
How to purchase UOS tokens on Ultra MainnetHow to purchase native UOS token on Ultra Mainnet using Ultra Wallet ExtensionLink
How to swap UOS from Ultra Mainnet to EthereumHow to swap UOS from Ultra Mainnet to Ethereum by using Ultra ClientLink

Advanced Guides

Guide NameSummaryLink
How to log in to the Ultra Toolkit using Anchor WalletLearn how to setup your keys with Anchor wallet and log in to the toolkit using Anchor wallet.Link
How to log in to the Ultra Toolkit using LedgerLearn how to create your account and log in to the toolkit using a Ledger device.Link
How to deploy smart contracts on Ultra Mainnet using the Ultra Smart Contract Toolkit ExtensionLearn how to deploy a smart contract on the Ultra Mainnet using the Ultra Smart Contract Visual Studio Code ExtensionLink


Tutorial NameSummaryLink
Vite, Vue and Ultra WalletLearn how to build a basic web application with vite, vue, and the ultra wallet.Link

Smart Contracts

Tutorial NameSummaryLink
Tutorial - Install and Setup the Ultra Smart Contract Toolkit ExtensionLearn how to install and use the Ultra Smart Contract Toolkit Extension.Link
Tutorial - Compile Smart Contracts using the Ultra Smart Contract Toolkit ExtensionBuild and compile smart contracts using the Ultra Smart Contract Toolkit ExtensionLink
Tutorial - Deploy Smart Contracts using the Ultra Smart Contract Toolkit ExtensionDeploy smart contracts using the Ultra Smart Contract Toolkit ExtensionLink
Tutorial - Interact with Smart Contracts using the Ultra Smart Contract Toolkit ExtensionInteract with smart contracts using the Ultra Smart Contract Toolkit ExtensionLink

Uniq Factories

Tutorial NameSummaryLink
How to create Uniq MetadataLearn how to create metadata for Uniq factories and Uniqs.Link
How to validate uniq metadata using Ultra Toolkit's Schema ValidatorLearn how to validate uniq metadata files using Ultra Toolkit's schema validation featureLink
How to create a Uniq Factory using Ultra ToolkitLearn how to create your first uniq factory using Ultra ToolkitLink
How to mint a Uniq using the Ultra ToolkitLearn how to mint your first uniq using Ultra ToolkitLink
How to update metadata using the Ultra ToolkitLearn how to update the metadata for uniq factory, default uniq and uniq tokens.Link
How to perform advanced actions with Uniqs and Factories using Ultra ToolkitLearn how to transfer Uniqs, burn Uniqs add authorized minters to your factory using Ultra ToolkitLink
How to add first-hand purchase options using ToolkitLearn how to use Ultra Toolkit to add or remove a direct purchase option from your FactoryLink
Uniq AvatarsLearn how to manage your uniq avatar as a userLink


Tutorial NameSummaryLink
Tutorial - Install Docker and get started with Developer Tools Docker imageLearn how to install Docker and use our Development Tools Docker imageLink
Tutorial - Creating and Compiling Smart Contracts with DockerLearn how to create and compile smart contract with Developer Tools Docker using cdt-cppLink


Tutorial NameSummaryLink
Learn the BasicsA basic guide on spinning up a local chain, and interacting with your own instance of our blockchainLink
Create a Test Network AccountLearn how to create a test network account on Ultra's Test NetworkLink
Get Test Network TokensLearn how to obtain test network tokensLink